What is good foods and bad foods for deep sleep

What is good foods and bad foods for deep sleep

As there is a saying that sleep is a supplement, it is very important to your health to sleep well. Lack of sleep can disrupt activities and cause chronic fatigue the next day. Some studies have shown that failure to sleep properly can cause beta amyloid accumulation in the brain, causing degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's dementia. Before you go to bed, don't eat anything that interferes with your sleep, and eat something that helps you sleep steadily.

◇ food that interferes with one's sleep.

▲ Crucial vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower contain a lot of fiber. Dietary fibers take a long time to digest, and you can't sleep well if your digestive system continues to work while you digest dietary fiber. Therefore, it is better to avoid cross-painting before going to bed.

▲ Tomato: Tomato is a food rich in vitamin C, iron, and lycopene. However, tomatoes are acidic and can interfere with sleep. Eating acidic foods before bed can cause heartburn and indigestion. If you eat tomatoes, you should eat them three hours before bedtime.

▲ Meat = Proteins in meat are difficult to digest because of their complex molecular structure. Also, in order to digest protein, highly acidic stomach acids are needed. Gastric acid can also interfere with sleep because it causes heartburn and indigestion. People with sleep apnea can wake up from sleep due to backflow of stomach acid.

▲ Hot food: Hot food boosts your metabolism, causing you to heat up your body and increase your energy consumption, which can interfere with your sleep. When the sympathetic nerves are activated and the body temperature increases, it is hard to fall asleep. It can also cause heartburn and interfere with sleep.

▲ Caffeine and Alcohol = Caffeine stimulates the brain, making it difficult to go to sleep. It can also promote diuretic activity and cause people to go to the bathroom during the night. Alcohol can help you fall asleep quickly, but it is not good for the quality of sleep This is because alcohol breaks down during sleep, which prevents deep sleep. Alcohol can also cause sleep apnea by reducing the function of the respiratory center.

◇ Food to help you sleep well

Soymilk: Soymilk contains a lot of isoflavones, which are plant estrogen, which helps improve sleep. According to a study by Tohoku University in Japan, an analysis of the relationship between isoflavone intake and sleep among 1,076 adults showed that the group with the highest isoflavone intake was 78 percent better than the group with a lower level of sleep.

▲ Banana: It is effective in making people sleep well. Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium. Magnesium and potassium act as muscle relaxants, helping the body relax and prepare for sleep. Bananas are also rich in vitamin B6, a necessary ingredient for the synthesis of melatonin, a sleeping hormone.

▲ Cherry: Cherry contains a lot of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles. People suffering from chronic insomnia can get good sleep if they eat cherries. Some studies have shown that people's sleep time and satisfaction increased after eating 240mL of cherry juice twice a day for two weeks.

▲ Jujube: It is good for patients who complain of insomnia because they feel shy and anxious. A substance called phantotenic acid in jujube stimulates the release of cortisol hormones, helping relieve stress. It also facilitates blood circulation as well as promoting heart function. You can just eat it, but you can make it with warm tea.

▲ Almonds: Almonds are rich in magnesium. Magnesium helps you sleep in a relaxed state by properly relaxing your muscles. However, almonds, which are nuts, may cause diarrhea or dehydration if consumed before going to bed, so it is recommended to eat only a small amount.

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