A method of managing hair loss effectively from the beginning

A method of managing hair loss effectively from the beginning


It is known that hair loss has a strong genetic effect. However, due to excessive stress, lack of sleep, and overwork, hair loss may occur in the future, which requires caution.

If two or more of the following five items are applicable, it is recommended that you have a detailed diagnosis with hair loss in mind. A hair loss is a progressive disease whose symptoms worsen over time, and only early treatment is necessary to improve its progress and shorten the treatment period.

1. The average hair falls off by more than 100 pieces a day.
2. My forehead is wider than I used to be.
3.The width of the kiln has widened, so I can see the scalp clearly.
4.The hair on the head is less thick than the hair on the back.
5.When I touch my hair, my hair is thinner and weaker than my hair in the back.


In order to manage hair loss, one should basically improve one's lifestyle, and if hair loss has already become severe, one should choose a treatment suitable for one's condition after consulting an expert.
Also, for hair loss management, we should basically correct our lifestyle.

The first thing we need to improve is sleep time. Sufficient sleep relieves stress and fatigue, and restores the body's function so that hair can be nourished.

It is also necessary to improve eating habits. Especially salty and greasy food can affect hair loss by preventing blood circulation as it acts as a burden on the digestive system. It is recommended to make a habit of eating three meals a day regularly and not eating three hours before bedtime.


If hair loss has already progressed to a noticeable degree, it is difficult to solve the problem by improving one's living habits, and one should be examined by experts and prescribed proper treatment.

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