Protein intake required for old age, 50% higher than current recommended amount

Protein intake required for old age, 50% higher than current recommended amount


It is now claimed that protein intake recommended for the elderly is far from sufficient, according to a recent report by the Asian Nutrition Society.
Proposed by the World Health Organization, protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram.

"When humans age, they need more muscle, they need more muscle, they need more muscle, they need more muscle, they need more muscle, and they need more protein," said Stuart Philip, a professor of physical fitness at McMaster University in Canada, at a symposium on Monday. "The protein intake required for old age is 1.2 grams per kilogram," he said.


Stewart added that the guidelines currently in place are past standards to avoid nutritional deficiencies, and standards in modern society, where many people suffer from muscular dystrophy due to aging, should be different.

The symposium also suggested that whey protein is an efficient source of protein intake.

In middle-aged women who were overweight or obese, they ate more than 1 gram of whey protein and exercised together per kilogram of weight in a day, and as a result of this, their weight remained the same but their fat volume decreased. They also added whey proteins to elderly people's diet, which is restricted to mobility, and conducted a study to exercise at the same time, with increased muscle strength and thigh size.

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