The evils of tertiary smoking that are more deadly to children

The evils of tertiary smoking that are more deadly to children


The government's anti-smoking policy is always one of the hot issues. With the continued increase in cigarette prices, expansion of indoor smoking areas and crackdowns, smokers are increasingly complaining about the lack of room. However, there is no longer any dispute over the harmful effects of cigarettes, which produce smoke containing more than 60 carcinogens. The biggest problem is that these harmful effects can affect not only the smoker himself, but also his loved ones, his loved ones, his colleagues, and even those he doesn't know at all.

direct, indirect and tertiary smoking
Smoking usually reminds me of the harmful substance contained in it. Previously, we noticed the direct effects of harmful substances on smokers. And then the range of interest expanded to include second-hand smoke, which is the neighborhood where you get to drink smoke from a smoker. Recently, there has been a concept called 'third smoking' beyond second-hand smoke.


Well, have you ever had a head ache and discomfort from the smell of a heavy cigarette from an unwitting taxi? It's a classic case of tertiary smoking. Many of the harmful substances that occur during smoking are gas-type chemicals that stick to the smoker's body, clothes, walls in the house, furniture, seat seats in the car, ceiling, etc. The exposure of this adsorbed chemical back into the air is called 'third smoking'.

Third smoking, more deadly to the child...
Lee Jin-young, a professor at the anti-smoking clinic at Samsung Medical Center, said, "In the case of tertiary smoking, various harmful substances from cigarette smoke can be just as harmful as smoking directly because they become more harmful when meeting with other ingredients in the air. Children also gain less weight, faster breathing and crawling on the floor than adults, so their exposure is higher than adults," he said, stressing that tertiary smoking is more dangerous, especially for younger babies.


In fact, a study published in the March 2004 edition of the Tobacco Control journal published results that supported the risk of tertiary smoking. The concentration of cortin, a nicotine byproduct of neonatal urine, was measured by dividing families with babies less than one year old into non-smokers, those with smokers but not smoking at home, and those with smokers smoking at home. The results showed that babies in non-smokers were found to have 0.33 ng/ml in non-smokers, 2.47 ng/ml in non-smoking families, and 15.47 ng/ml in late at home smoking families. That is, even if smokers don't smoke in the home, they can see that newborns are exposed to tertiary smoking.


Smokers themselves are usually conniving at the harmful effects of smoking, and second-hand smoke is a form of terrorism against those around them who don't smoke, although there is some room for coping because it can avoid visible smoke.

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