fatty liver, Definition, Symptom, Cause, remedial treatment

fatty liver, Definition, Symptom, Cause, remedial treatment


It is said that fat accounts for more than 5% of the total weight between the liver as it causes excessive consumption of fat, accumulation of liver and synthesis, and reduction of emissions. The fat that is accumulated in the hepatic cells itself is not highly toxic to the hepatic cells, so if it is not severe, there are many cases where the liver function is normal or slightly. However, if the fatty liver becomes worse and the fat mass in the hepatic cells grows, the function of the hepatic cells, including the nucleus, is degraded, and the liver function is degraded as a result, the hepatic cells are not properly supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Symptoms Most people with fatty liver appear to be healthy in appearance and range from those with no symptoms to complaining of fatigue and systemic rights, or pain in the right upper abdomen. People with chronic drinking, obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, or lack of nutrition can suspect fatty liver if the liver size increases and there is a slight abnormality in liver function. Test methods that can identify fatty liver include liver function test, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and ultrasound, and liver tissue examination can be performed if diagnosis is not certain.


Most people with fatty liver appear to be healthy on the outside and range from those with no symptoms to complaining of fatigue and systemic rights, or pain in the right upper abdomen. People with chronic drinking, obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, or lack of nutrition can suspect fatty liver if the liver size increases and there is a slight abnormality in liver function. Test methods that can identify fatty liver include liver function test, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and ultrasound, and liver tissue examination can be performed if diagnosis is not certain.


Common causes of fatty liver include obesity, excessive drinking, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Although we are often concerned that fatty liver may worsen in the future due to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, except for alcohol-based fatty liver, we rarely see it as a result of such diseases. Alcoholic fatty liver, however, can lead to chronic liver disease in some areas.


remedial treatment
Interfat treatment is mainly done through diet. For alcohol-based fatty liver, it is best to stop drinking and improve nutrition first. If you are overweight, you should lose weight through exercise therapy, and if diabetes is the cause, you should control your blood sugar level. The extent to which fatty liver is caused is more closely related to the amount of total alcohol consumed, the duration of drinking and the nutritional status of the alcohol consumed than to the type of alcohol. In the case of food, fatty liver production becomes worse when high fat low protein is used. Therefore, it is recommended to treat fatty liver by taking proper nutrition, drinking alcohol, and weight control. It is known that people with liver disease should eat well and rest well, but in the case of fatty liver, it is often worse. This is because the fatty liver gets worse if it is well fed and rested, if the blood sugar is not well controlled, and if the lipid is not maintained as normal. Therefore, people with fatty liver and hyperlipidemia, diabetes and obesity should eat less and exercise a lot.

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