How do you get rid of visceral fat naturally?

How do you get rid of visceral fat naturally?


Obesity can cause fatal diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Even with the same obesity, where body fat is distributed more often affects the disease than weight or body fat. Embedded fat trapped in the gut destroys blood vessels, organs such as the heart and brain.


Causes of internal fat, overeating and drinking
Embedded fat is the fat that is accumulated in the stomach. In body fat, men account for 20 percent of men and 6 percent of women, more than women. However, when women go into menopause, the accumulation of internal fat accelerates due to the lack of female hormones that prevent the accumulation of internal fat. Why does it have internal fat? Overeating, drinking and lack of physical activity are the causes. Alcohol, in particular, is the main culprit in the accumulation of internal fat.

According to an analysis of the correlation between alcohol consumption and fat consumption, the amount of internal fat increased as alcohol consumption increased. There has been a relative decline in fatality. One or two drinks a day are known to be good for cardiovascular disease, but studies show that even if one or two drinks a day, the risk of accumulation of internal fat has increased. This is because alcohol prevents breakdown of internal fat and promotes appetite to eat more.


Embedded fat goes into the blood and destroys blood vessels and organs. In order to make a body that has a good metabolism of internal fat, you need to cut off refined carbohydrates and take up enough protein.
The reason why internal fat is dangerous is because it doesn't stay in the body and it gets into the blood in the form of fatty acids. Embedded fat tissue is a poor storage warehouse, where blood-flowed fat travels through the bloodstream, causing various problems in blood vessels, liver and heart. In addition, internal fat, unlike subcutaneous fat, can cause inflammatory cells (such as macrophages) to interfere well between fat cells to secrete inflammatory substances. That's why the body becomes more inflamed.


Internal fat excess of 90cm for men and 85cm for women
You can find out whether the internal fat is excessive or not. If the waist is over 90 centimeters for men and 85 centimeters for women, chances are high that the internal fat has accumulated excessively. Above this standard, it defines "abdominal obesity," with the prevalence rate of adult abdominal obesity standing at 20.8 percent in 2015 (24.6 percent for men and 17.3 percent for women), up from 18.4 percent in 2009. If the waist is 90 centimeters or higher for men and 85 centimeters for women, the incidence and mortality rate of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and coronary artery disease will increase even if the BMI is normal. Those who are full of pears should improve quickly because they have a lot of internal fat.

We need to turn on the local ambassador's.
How can I get rid of the fat inside? The body should not only consume glucose as energy, but use accumulated fat as a source of energy.
If refined carbohydrates such as sugar and liquid sugar are overdosed, the level of neutral fat will rise and the internal fat will accumulate. Normally, consumption of refined carbohydrates should be avoided, and if carbohydrates are strictly restricted to less than 50 grams per day for the first three days of diet, fat can be induced to use as an energy source.


Increase in protein intake
When carbohydrate intake decreases, the body first changes the protein of muscles to sugar. Then, I have to use fat because I can't keep using muscle protein. When muscles are lost, the basic metabolic rate is reduced, so protein consumption should be increased to minimize muscle loss. 1.2 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of weight is recommended. Since the amount of digestive and absorption is set at once, it is recommended to take protein in four separate ways: breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. Chicken, fish, seafood, soy and tofu, eggs and plain yogurt are high-protein foods that are good for body fat reduction.


High-intensity interbal exercise is a method of short repetition of high-intensity exercise. Do high-intensity exercise, which is breathtaking, for one to two minutes, and lighten it for another one to three minutes. Repeat this three to seven times. Add muscle movement to this to maintain the basic metabolic rate.


If you fast for more than 12 hours, your blood sugar and insulin will fall below a certain level, and your local lines will change from synthetic mode to decompose. Local ambassadors usually start 12 hours after fasting, so they maintain hunger for 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. Those who are already insulin-resistant should fast longer because it takes longer to become local ambassadors. It is helpful to implement a short fast of 16 to 24 hours once or twice a week.


Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids help fat be used as an energy source in the liver and muscles.

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