What happens when you use eyes drops longer than 30 days after opening them

What happens when you use eyes drops longer than 30 days after opening them


Many people use eye drops at home. However, non-disposable eye drops have a very short service life and should be taken care. It may be sensitive to air exposure due to its component characteristics, or it may have a shorter service life than specified if stored or used incorrectly.


More than 60 percent of eye drops currently in circulation are multi-use products. "Overall eye drops have a pre-op expiration date of 24 to 36 months and a post-op use period of four weeks, but they are more likely to be contaminated because they are constantly exposed to the outside," the ophthalmologist said. "Some eye drops are sensitive to air exposure and must be used within 14 days."


A team of researchers at a university evaluated the stability of the four most commonly used eye drug compounds (olipatadin hydrochloride, fluorometholone, dorsolamide hydrochloride, and thymololmalate). Each ingredient was stored at a licensed temperature (typical room temperature) written in the drug manual. In addition, the opening and closing of the lid was performed at a set number of doses per day. As a result, olopatadin hydrochloride, which is used as a treatment for allergic conjunctivitis, had no problem until the second month of its release.


However, the safety of dorsolamide hydrochloride, which is used as a treatment for glaucoma, has decreased since its release on July 14. Since its release, its main ingredient and preservative content has decreased since Friday.


"The longer you use multiple eye drops, the greater the risk of contamination by bacteria in your conjunctiva, eyelashes, and tears. If you reduce the amount of preservatives, you will be more likely to develop inflammation in your eyes. If you use a contaminated eye, you should be more careful about people with poor eye health because they have glaucoma," the ophthalmologist said.


Regardless of expiration dates or eye drops on containers, multi-use eye drops should not be used for more than a month, no matter how long they are after opening the lid. In today's hot weather, drugs left indoors without cars or air conditioning can be contaminated faster.

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