Foods that are good for preventing hair loss

Foods that are good for preventing hair loss


Mixed grains are representative of zinc and copper that help reduce the secretion of follicle enzymes that cause genetic hair loss.
Mixed grains such as brown rice, Setaria italica, and sorghum are not only rich in nutrients such as vitamins and protein, but they also help blacken your hair with tryptophan and tyrosine ingredients.


Seaweed, kelp, and other seaweeds are rich in iodine, iron, and calcium to help grow hair and prevent hair loss.
Especially, if iodine is lacking, the growth of hair growth is delayed due to the hypothyroid hormone, so it is a nutrient that you must take care of.

Soybeans with high protein content are also a food for hair growth.
Its low blood sugar level and rich in essential fatty acids, linoleenic acid and isoflavones, are excellent for preventing hair loss.
Black beans, in particular, are rich in anthocyanin and are excellent for hair growth.
However, soybeans are recommended to release iodine into the body and replenish iodine with algae.
Caffeine and alcohol are representative foods that are bad for hair loss.


Vitamin E helps improve the flow of blood and helps when there is a stressful hair loss. Walnuts are rich in minerals such as vitamins E and magnesium, and contain alpha-linoleic acid, a type of omega- 3 fatty acid, which is good for hair loss caused by blood circulation disorders.
Pine nuts are also rich in vitamin E and tocopherol, which cleans blood vessels, hardens pores, and provides gloss to the head.
Other foods rich in vitamin E are sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

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