What is the effect of soda on the body?

What is the effect of soda on the body?


A soft drink that seeks men and women of all ages with its sweet and pungent taste. It has high sugar content and causes various diseases, which is "poison" for health, but often forgets completely about the sweetness of the moment.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's survey on the buying habits of more than 5,000 households, 77 percent purchased soft drinks, sugary juice and sports drinks. And households that bought sugary drinks drank an average of nearly 2,000 kilocalories per week. As the consumption of sugary drinks such as carbonated drinks increases, countries are preparing measures and measures to reduce it. The U.S. and Mexico are seeking to attach warning signs for carbonated drinks and give them a current tax, while Europe and Vietnam ban the sale of soft drinks at school cafeterias.

Which soda contains a lot of sugar?
According to a 2016 study published in the British Medical Journal, 55 percent of British supermarkets had sugar in excess of 30 grams per day, a daily limit on adult consumption. In particular, ginger beer had the highest sugar content, with an analysis of a total of 21 types of ginger beer found that the average sugar content was 38.5 grams, with 81 percent exceeding the daily intake limit. Next to ginger beer, products with high sugar content were coke with added flavor, orange-flavored soda and cream soda.


What is the effect of sodas on the body?
Sodas, high in sugar, cause various diseases. It also threatens the brain health of children and adolescents who are already well aware of obesity and cavities. In 2014, researchers at the University of Southern California in the U.S. consistently fed grown mice and young mice with sugar-based corn syrup and sugar made from sugars similar to soda ingredients for a month, and found that the brains of adult mice were not affected by sugar, but their learning and memory were impaired. The research team explained that drinking soda can damage the hippocampus of the cerebral temporal lobe, which is responsible for memory. In addition, studies have shown that drinking too much carbonated drinks can cause calcium and vitamin minerals to escape from the body and increase the risk of death due to breast cancer and coronary heart disease.

How do we reduce it?
For those who enjoy drinking carbonated drinks, it is better to reduce the number of carbonated drinks by a small amount because a single pledge is not easy to quit. At first, they practice to reduce the amount of soda a little while, and to escape the temptation of carbonic acid and sweetness by drinking half the water in the drink. Drinking carbonated water as an alternative to soda is also a good way. If it's too bland, add lemon or lime to add flavor. If carbonated water is adapted, it can be replaced by a carbonated tea such as barley tea or lemon water, and one more time to think about whether you should drink a glass of water and eat it.

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