The cause of plantar keratin is not a dry environment

The cause of plantar keratin is not a dry environment


These days, there are many people who make themselves stylish with sandals and slippers in hot weather. However, there are times when keratin comes up white on the soles of your feet and around them, so you don't want to wear slippers or sandals no matter how stuffy it is. Did you know that even if you steadily remove the pectoral cortex, it's not just because your skin is dry?


If the keratin on the soles of your feet does not improve despite constant self-care, there are three possible causes: In this case, it is important to consult a dermatologist for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

1. Bad shoes or walking habits
It is also called "solid flesh" because it is similar to the thick skin of a boxer. When the feet are exposed to excessive pressure for a long time, the skin naturally thickens the dead skin to protect its internal tissue. This happens when the pressure is large and narrow with a stiff bar.

2. athlete's foot
If you have athlete's foot, your skin will turn red. In particular, athlete's foot, which has a lot of scaly keratin on the sole of the foot, is accompanied by a thicker keratin like hard meat. In this case, the use of local anti-vaccinant steadily for more than one month will improve.


3. Other skin diseases and genetic factors
In the case of atopic dermatitis or other foot eczema, the keratin is excessive. In particular, excessive keratin can be accompanied by an excessive amount of kerbosis. This is caused by long-term wear of poorly ventilated and tight shoes, with parts of the soles turning white, with small holes and bad smell. There are also rare cases in which the hands and feet are genetically thick, which can be distinguished by the presence of family history or by direct examination.

How do I manage my feet correctly?
If you don't have any special causes like this, apply moisturizers such as Vaseline and Foot Cream frequently and massage the thick skin area well. However, removing the phalanges at once with sandpaper or buffers is not very helpful as they become overly irritating and build up to produce severe exfoliation. Also, avoid unbalanced exfoliating with nail clippers and so on. Rather than excessively removing the skin texture, it is more effective to apply moisturizer and remove the skin gradually by applying a decontamination solution once a day (mainly in the evening).

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