Common cause of dry cough; reflux esophagitis and reflux laryngitis

Common cause of dry cough; reflux esophagitis and reflux laryngitis


Dry coughs that pop out from time to time are not symptoms of a serious or serious illness, but after a long period of time, there is a chance that a disease that I don't know is growing.
This dry cough is one of the most common symptoms of visiting hospitals, and causes of chronic dry cough vary widely.
The most common causes are retrocurrent esophagitis and reflux laryngitis.

Let's find out about the symptoms and treatment of backflow esophagitis and backflow laryngitis.

Coughs that are not accompanied by phlegm are often called dry coughs, and they are common and chronic. These coughs are classified as acute if they are within three weeks, and are called chronic cough if they are more than eight weeks old.


Chronic dry cough-causing diseases include nose diseases such as sinusitis, which is caused by the backflow of stomach contents to esophagus and sore throat, as well as allergy disorders such as asthma.
Some heart disease and high blood pressure drugs also have an itchy throat and a dry cough.
Some of these common causes are reflux diseases: backflow esophagitis and backflow laryngitis.

Backflow esophagitis refers to inflammation of the stomach acid or the contents of the stomach backflow to the esophagus, and various discomfort symptoms, although the endoscopy shows that the esophagus is not inflamed, the symptoms may be uncomfortable.

When your heart aches with a chronic dry cough and your body aches, it's likely to be a reflux esophagitis. This tends to worsen when you overeat or lie down, accompanied by hoarse throat, foreign neck, and cough.

Backflow esophagitis is usually treated with drugs, and it is also important to correct your lifestyle.
Most people who take drugs within eight weeks will get better, but if they stop taking drugs, the symptoms will tend to reappear, so the treatment should continue for a sufficient period of time, depending on the specialist's prescription, even after the symptoms are gone.
At the same time, trying to maintain normal weight, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, and having a slightly higher head when sleeping can help reduce symptoms.


Another backflow disorder that causes chronic dry coughs is backflowing laryngitis.
The stomach acid or stomach contents backflow up to the throat (neck), causing discomfort, coughing, sore throat, foreign neck, and hard to swallow food.
In particular, about half of the patients with voice problems, such as the sound of a hoarse throat or turbidity, are known to have retrocurrent laryngitis (reversive sore throat) as a direct cause or to worsen their symptoms.

Retroactive laryngitis (reverse-current throatitis) is similar to that of backflow esophagitis, but the symptoms of heartburn or over-the-counter are hard to see and tend to get worse in the daytime standing position.


Retroactive laryngitis (reversible sore throat) is also primarily treated with medication, which may take longer to treat than reverse esophagitis. This is because the larynx is more sensitive to stomach acid than esophagus, which can also be caused by a small amount of backflow.

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