Blood clearing food

Blood clearing food


Blood plays an important role in our body. It is responsible for the metabolism of the whole body and plays a role of picking oxygen from the lungs and loading it into tissue or cells. Common foods alone can make your blood clear. Foods that help blood health are as follows: It's good to eat the right amount steadily.

● Sesame
The sesame contains cesaminol and cesamine, which keep the blood clean. When LDL cholesterol builds up in blood vessels, the blood vessels become thicker and narrower, and cesaminol protects the vessels by suppressing them. Cesamine inhibits cholesterol absorption in the small intestine and helps lower blood cholesterol.


● Garlic
The alicin, which makes the garlic-specific smell, makes the blood clear when combined with lipids. So it works on platelets to prevent blood clots. Scorgenin in garlic also acts as a good source of blood by activating cells and promoting blood circulation.


● Seaweed
Seaweed contains a large amount of ingredients that purify the blood, such as fucoidean, laminan, and chromophil. These ingredients prevent blood clots and purify the blood.


● Tangerine
Citrus contains a lot of vitamin C. citric acid, which is responsible for the sour taste of citrus, relieves fatigue, clears blood and helps ease heartburn. There is also vitamin P, which strengthens capillaries, in the white fibers and pulp inside the shell. It also contains a lot of potassium, which causes unnecessary sodium in the body to be excreted out of the body.


● Squid
Squid and octopus contain taurine that cleans blood. Taurine inhibits the action of the sympathetic nerves, which increases blood pressure, and increases the amount of blood released from the heart by increasing the heart's contraction. Effective in preventing arrhythmia or heart failure.


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