Excel Tips Type of copy and paste

Copy and paste is a huge time-saver, however I still see too many people using the right-click functionality, which involves several  clicks in order to do a copy and paste.

Here are another two handy shortcuts. Use 'Ctrl+C' to copy and 'Ctrl+V' to paste the result - give it a try and see how quickly you can copy and paste things within Excel.

There are a few types of copy and paste that you need to know about.

Ctrl+V is a normal paste.

If you are working on a spreadsheet which has calculations in this might be a little more complicated.

If you wanted to copy and just paste the results of the calculations in a different place you can't just use a normal paste.

It copies the calculation formula not the calculation result.

If you want to only copy the calculation result you need to 'copy and paste values'.

Start by copying the cells normally; select the cells and press 'Ctrl+C'

Select the cell to paste to and right-click

Then you can either click the '123' button  which represents 'Paste values'.

Or you cand select 'Paste Special' and select  'Values'

TIP - if you are copying data from the internet, you often end up copying hyperlinks. If you don't want hyperlinks in your spreadsheet ensure you copy and paste values.

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